Hi! I'm an 11-year old and it's my first time to join a game jam! I'm so excited! Please be kind! 

Warning, this game might be mildly infuriating .

My PB (Personal best) is 27.


You are the cookie.

The outlines that change colors will click you once they turn red.

You have three clicks/lives until you get a game over.

wasd keys to move the cookie and avoid getting clicked. p to pause.

The clicks are pixel perfect so if the cookie touches the red outlines, it will be clicked.

Notes and Credits

I used Scratch for the coding, pixilart.com to make the sprites and I used musiclab.chromeexperiments.com to make the music.

I made everything for the GMTK Game Jam 2023. 

The theme: Roles Reversed.

This game fits the theme because it's Cookie Clicker, but you're the Cookie.


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one of the best pixel perfect games I've ever played, we can team to make a game soon! (mind you I'm their friend)

(1 edit)

Thanks for all the support everyone

As a Scratch user, great game! If you were to update this post-jam, you could add:

  • Difficulty modes
  • More controls
  • Moving cursors
  • Speed settings 

Awesome game! The concept fits the the theme perfectly.

This game is really impressive for your first game jam -- It is well done and fun to play. Good Job!

i got to 25!!!   For first time, this is fantastic, keep up the great work and keep making games.

nice job! you're going places, never give up on your game dev dream and keep learning new stuff! I suggest you start learning Unity and C# once you're ready